About me
I am a final year Mathematic PhD student at the University of St Andrews, supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council programme. My research area is ergodic theory and dynamical systems, in particular, thermodynamic formalisms of countable-state symbolic systems and interval maps, and some of their statistical properties. I am supervised by Mike Todd and Kenneth Falconer. You can find my CV here.
Research Output
- Almost sure cover times for dynamical systems with ψ-mixing property , preprint, 2024. pdf
- Countable Markov shifts with exponential mixing, (with Mike Todd) preprint, 2024. pdf
- Closest distance between iterates of typical points, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 44(8), (2024) 2252-2279. pdf
MSc Mathematics, University of St Andrews, 2021, Distinction, Study of Minimal Sets of Circle Homeomorphisms. pdf.
BSc Mathematics with Modern Languages, University College London, 2020, First Class Honours.
Other stuff
I am a good distance runner and an Irish/ Scottish flute player. I can also speak Spanish (B2 level) and Portuguese at conversational level.